Lithium Atom

  1. Lithium Atomic No
LithiumLithium atomic sizeLithium atom protons neutrons electrons

Li I Ground State 1s 2 2s 2 S 1 / 2 Ionization energy 43487.150 cm-1 (5.391719 eV) Ref. K87 Li II Ground State 1s 2 1 S 0 Ionization energy 610078 cm-1 (75.6400 eV) Ref. DM01-1 (75.6400 eV) Ref. The lithium atom has a closed n=1 shell with two electrons and then one electron outside. Since the outer electron looks inward at just one net positive charge, it could be expected to have energy levels close to those of hydrogen. This is true for high angular momentum states as shown, but the s and p states fall well below the corresponding.

  • Lithium appears as a soft silvery metal that is normally grayish white due to oxide formation. Spontaneous ignition is likely if heated to melting point.
  • Lithium atoms have 3 electrons and the shell structure is 2.1. The ground state electron configuration of ground state gaseous neutral lithium is He. 2s1 and the term symbol is 2S1/2. Schematic electronic configuration of lithium. The Kossel shell structure of lithium.

Lithium Atomic No

By Wave theory-United nature theory

Prediction: Lithium atom by its high energy properties can be additional source of energy, like U atom or H atom for Humanity

Tejman Chaim Henry Dr.

United nature theory-Wave theory

Name: Lithium
Symbol: Li
Atomic Number: 3
Atomic Mass: 6.941 amu
Melting Point: 180.54 °C (453.69 K, 356.972 °F)
Boiling Point: 1347.0 °C (1620.15 K, 2456.6 °F)
Number of Protons/Electrons: 3
Number of Neutrons: 4
Classification:Alkali Metal
Crystal Structure: Cubic
Density @ 293 K: 0.53 g/cm3
Color: silvery

Atomic Structure

Number of Energy Levels: 2

First Energy Level: 2
Second Energy Level: 1


Half Life





Name Origin: From the Greek word lithos (stone)
Uses: batteries, ceramics, lubricants
Obtained From: passing electric charge through melted lithium chloride, spodumene


Standard state: solid at 298 K

  • Colour: silvery white/grey
  • Classification: Metallic
  • Availability
  • Class:Alkalis:

Isotope nass



Lithium atom initially at rest radiates a photon of energy .8488 eV.

Discovered By:Johan August Arfvedson Stockholm, Sweden 1817

The name comes from the Greek word lithos. Lithos translates to 'stone'. It was given this name because it was first discovered from a mineral rather than a plant

Doesn't occur free in nature, combined in igneous rocks & mineral springs.

Depression: It’s Treatment - Lithium:


Atomic mass (ma/u)

Natural abundance (atom %)

Nuclear spin (I)

Magnetic moment (μ/μN)


6.015 122 3(5)

[7.59 (4)]




7.016 004 0(5)

[92.41 (4)]



Rechargeable Lithium Batteries

Soft, silvery white metal. Reacts slowly with water and oxygen.

  • Atmosphere: ~0.0 ppm
  • Primitive mantle: 0.83 ppm
  • Sea water: 0.2 ppm
  • Metallic meteorite: 1.59 ppm
  • Continental crust: 13.0 ppm
  • Solar photosphere: 1.0 log of abundance
  • Oceanic crust: 10.0 ppm
  • Solar system: 59.7 relative to Si=1.0e6

Flammable. Can ignite in air. Reacts with water to give off a flammable gas. Compounds may be moderately toxic..

  • State: Solid
  • Density: 0.534 g/cm3
  • Atomization: 157.800 kJ mol-1
  • Fusion: 4.60 kJ mol-1
  • Melting point: 453.69 K
  • Boiling point: 1615.0 K
  • Critical temperature: 3223.0 K
  • Vaporization: 147.7 kJ mol-1
  • Atomic weight: 6.941 g/mole
  • Molar volume: 13.094 cm3 mol-1
  • Melting point: 453.69 K
  • Boiling point: 1615.0 K
  • Critical temperature: 3223.0 K
  • Atomic weight: 6.941 g/mole
  • Molar volume: 13.094 cm3 mol-1
  • Electrical resistivity: 8.55 µ-ohms/cm
  • Debye temperature: 344.0 K
  • Thermal conductivity: 84.7 W / m / K
  • Coefficient of linear expansion: 47.0Coef. per K
  • Mass magnetic susceptibility: 2.56e-8
  • X-ray diffraction mass absorption coefficients:
    • CuK: 0.716 (µ/p)/cm2 g-1
    • MoK: 0.217 (µ/p)/cm2 g-1
  • State: solid
    • Enthalpy 0
    • Gibbs function 0
    • Entropy 29.12
    • Heat Capacity 24.77
  • State: gas
    • Enthalpy 159.37
    • Gibbs function 126.66
    • Entropy 138.77
    • Heat Capacity 20.786
  • Electrical resistivity: 8.55 µ-ohms/cm
  • Debye temperature: 344.0 K
  • Thermal conductivity: 84.7 W / m / K
  • Coefficient of linear expansion: 47.0Coef. per K
  • Mass magnetic susceptibility: 2.56e-8
  • X-ray diffraction mass absorption coefficients:
    • -All the pictures and some of the text in the articles are exclusive to the internet sites they were taken from. All the use of those pictures and papers are for scientific purpose only.

Hydrogen atom is the smallest, basic, stable, unclosed quantum, wave-particle formation and its basic stone for every succeeding atom. {See C. Tejman’s works}

Every atom has quantum behavior according to Planck, and gravitational wave behavior according to Einstein.

Tejman’s and Schrodinger’s quantum equations:

Tejman quantum equation


Schrodinger quantum equation

Feynman’s “the sum over paths method”

Feynman, Schrodinger and Tejman clearly shows that Quantum

Totality {M. Planck} has two space geometry {swirls} behaviors

{A. Einstein} for continue energetic matter circulation.

Hydrogen is a classic unclosed {C. Tejman} quantum

{M. Planck}, Gravitational wave {A. Einstein} formation.

1. Hydrogen atom

2. View from side

3. Electron path-circulation

View from above on H. atom.

Click to enlarge; NASA

Two Hydrogen atoms form Helium atom:

Helium atom which space is two Hydrogen atoms {two quanta}

Helium atom which space is two Hydrogen atoms {view from the side}

More explanations

Pictures from space {taken from}

Give some imagination of Helium behavior.

M97, NGC 3587, Owl Nebula

M 76 (NGC 650)

Beta pictoris

M 82

A lithium atom has the basis of a helium atom. The new photon’s energetic loop is on the same plane as the energetic loops of the helium atom, but its perpendicular magnetic loop prevents it from merging with the helium atom, and instead causes the creation of a new atom.

When the energetic planes of atoms are in transverse positions, their energy integrates because the borders of energetic matter are not well defined. Their perpendicular magnetic rings maintain the integrity of each structure.

The new “photon” creates the second unclosed energetic level.

Most energetic active particle of atom is positron and new atom appears on this level and energetic axis of new atom is 45 degree to its creator. High energetic new proton creates its neutron which by electron pats create unclosed quantum formation {new atom}. New atom {hydrogen large photon} is allied by proton to previous atom and separate by its neutron. Lithium and Natrum high energetic atoms have two neutrons.

Electrons on the same energetic level circulate to opposite directions {Pauli} and united nature theory explains that by pictures.


Lithium isotopes


Atomic mass (ma/u)

Natural abundance (atom %)

Nuclear spin (I)

Magnetic moment (μ/μN)


6.015 122 3(5)

[7.59 (4)]




7.016 004 0(5)

[92.41 (4)]



Energetic formations have not clear geometrical borders {small and large formations =

Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle} and always are in superposition-Schrödinger.

This isotope with WZ particle is not stabile QUANTUM FORMATION.

To overcome of helium a strong bound Li must be high energetic and create two neutrons. The same problem exists in Na atom.

From all the pictures above we have seen very important phenomenon: that those two semi-loops are not identically alike, and according to unite nature theory every quantum formation is composed by

Two semi-loops.

The means: That in Helium nucleus one proton has electric properties

And the other has magnetic properties. And also electrons are less active than energetic part. That may be a paradox? NOT! That is the ingenious, sophisticated behavior of energetic matter {quantum}. That allows to atoms create different behaviors and bonds.

Helium atom

Lithium atom

Lithium electron path has relative very large-high energetic properties {like hydrogen electron}, that is the reason that we using him for rechargeable Lithium Batteries and other energy sources. This third electron is high energetic like H and Na electrons and come easy to other protons for bonds creation.

Every atom have to has quantum formation

{Wave particle–two swirls behaviors} to be stabile creation.

My works are based on different scientific works and pictures from different sources published also in

merging galaxy

I copy different celestial quantum structures that may help for understanding Lithium atom {quantum} structure and his behavior.

For understanding the energetic matter behavior we need a lot of common sense, because of the spontaneous and the wildest behavior of energetic matter {Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and Schrödinger’s Superposition}.

The spontaneous motion of energetic matter can’t create matrix formation, only similar formations. tha have the same

vibration, because every atom is independent unclosed quantum formation.

An amazing image of the The Crescent Nebula by - who else - Robert Gendler. Is this guy good or what?

Maybe this formation resemble lithium formation.


Lithium atom as every quantum formation is sophisticate creation.

In this Nebula the third formation {like as in Lithium?} connected by energetic matter, is still a mystery for us.

The third photon in lithium atom is high energetic-wavy, like hydrogen or even as deuterium atom because of the two neutrons it has.

Prediction: because of it’s high energy properties it can be as an additional source of energy, like U or H atom for Humanity.

Lithium atom behavior

m81 group

cannis major nebula

cannis major nebula

The third photon

of Lithium is like

Hydrogen or even

Deuterium atom with two neutrons.

Energetic matter by

Its swirling and rotation motion creates two swirls

wave formations, that means that lithium atom (as every quantum) have both behaviors of quantum formation. That’s needs a lot of imagination about lithium atom structure.

Different configurations of 3 parts in quantum {wave} formation needs a lot of common sense to search for atoms structure which is in constant energetic activity{Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle and Schrödinger’s Superposition}.

It is hardly thinkable that like pseudopodia are created for new energetic formation

Maybe like from helium to lithium. {“cooling” process of energetic matter}

NGC 1365: Majestic Island Universe
Credit & Copyright: SSRO-South (R.Gilbert, D.Goldman, J.Harvey, D.Verschatse) - PROMPT (D.Reichart)

My works are based on different scientific works and pictures from different sources publish also in Google.


Lithium with its high energetic proton and electron {like in

hydrogen atom} easily came to contact with different atoms and create high energetic bonds.

Prediction: Lithium atom by its high energy properties can be additional source of energy, like U atom or H atom for Humanity

© Copyright: Dr. Tejman Chaim, Henry. August 2007

The theory of everything