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Privatus Care Solutions Attn Payables (914) 273-3284. Armonk, NY 10504. Lend A Hand/Private Duty. Home Health Services (800) 960-1004. Specialties: Based on years of experience assisting clients with various levels of personnel care services, we can offer you expert guidance toward a plan of care that is right for you and your family. Established in 2005. Client Focused Care. Founded in 2005 by healthcare professionals with over fifty years of experience, Privatus provides private care services with a unique focus on the client experience. Privatus Care Solutions. Fax Service (508) 591-7152. Plymouth, MA 02360. Cape Care Vnas Private Duty. Home Health Services (508) 760-5764.

Quadrigae Privatus is a Singapore based multi-family office handling clients across Asia and Europe. We are a team of ex-bankers who have a collective experience of working with over 500 Ultra High Net worth families. Going far beyond banking, our careers have been enhanced by the rich dynamics of helping families manage their wealth and handling the challenges therein. Over the years, immersion into our clients' family dynamics has helped us appreciate the complex and global requirements of their businesses. Our skill sets and network have expanded in response to these needs. Every challenge resolved has become a case study. And every case study in turn, has become yet another chapter in our little encyclopedia of handling family affairs. Fresh challenges have always stimulated us.
We invite you to share yours today.

Quadrigae Privatus is a Singapore based multi-family office handling clients across Asia and Europe. We are a team of ex-bankers who have a collective experience of working with over 500 Ultra High Net worth families. Going far beyond banking, our careers have been enhanced by the rich dynamics of helping families manage their wealth and handling the challenges therein. Over the years, immersion into our clients' family dynamics has helped us appreciate the complex and global requirements of their businesses. Our skill sets and network have expanded in response to these needs. Every challenge resolved has become a case study. And every case study in turn, has become yet another chapter in our little encyclopedia of handling family affairs. Fresh challenges have always stimulated us.
We invite you to share yours today.

A multi-family office needs to be equipped to provide a wide array of services - from investment management, real estate, art advisory, family governance, wealth structuring to philanthropy, corporate advisory, insurance, and much more. We have built the capabilities, expertise and the network to address all your needs. What differentiates us is the patience to spend time to understand the nuances of your family's unique challenges and then tailoring solutions for you.

A multi-family office needs to be equipped to provide a wide array of services - from investment management, real estate, art advisory, family governance, wealth structuring to philanthropy, corporate advisory, insurance, and much more. We have built the capabilities, expertise and the network to address all your needs. What differentiates us is the patience to spend time to understand the nuances of your family's unique challenges and then tailoring solutions for you.

Global Wealth
Privatus mac
Risk Management
And Governance

Long back, it took an adventurer to set sights on foreign lands. We’ve just added a little ease to that adventure.

'Let us tell you the story of the one-eyed stag'

So that aspirations and destinies are not held back by passports.

The family first apProach to corporate finance.

Who We Serve

  • Our clients are ultra-high-net-worth individuals or families who have created wealth from multiple businesses.
  • They are global citizens with assets and businesses in multiple jurisdictions.
  • They usually have involved family structures, and the wealth runs across generations.
  • They find value in working with entities that not just appreciate the complexity but also have handled similar challenges.
  • They appreciate entities that can see both the forests and the trees - in other words, they don’t just understand the individual parts of the system but are able to see the inter-linkages between them.
  • They need the experience and also the willingness to devote time essential to offer effective solutions.

Who We Serve

  • Our clients are ultra-high-net-worth individuals or families who have created wealth from multiple businesses.
  • They are global citizens with assets and businesses in multiple jurisdictions.
  • They usually have complex family structures, and their wealth runs across generations.
  • They find value in working with entities who not only appreciate the complexity, but have also handled similar challenges.
  • They appreciate entities that can see both the forests and the trees-in other words, these entities don’t just understand the individual parts of the system but are able to see the inter linkages between them.
  • They need the experience and also the willingness from entities to devote time essential to offer effective solutions.



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Get in touch with us via mail/phone.


QUADRIGAE PRIVATUS is a brand of SAIML Pte Ltd, a CMS licenced company regulated by MAS.

In Roman law, the Latinadjectiveprivatus makes a legal distinction between that which is 'private' and that which is publicus, 'public' in the sense of pertaining to the Roman people (populus Romanus).

Used as a substantive, the term privatus refers to a citizen who is not a public official or a member of the military.[1] Increasingly throughout the Middle and Late Republic, the privatus was nevertheless sometimes granted imperium during a crisis; the definition of crisis was elastic, and the amassing of power by unelected individuals (privati) contributed to the breakdown of the checks and balances of the republican system.[2]

Privatus Care Solutions Lexington Ma

Legal terms[edit]

  • Res privatae, private property, or 'things belonging to individuals,' in contrast to res publicae.[3]
  • Res privata Caesaris, the property of the emperor that was purely private.
  • Ager privatus, privately owned land as distinguished from ager publicus.
  • Actiones privatae, actions protecting an individual's private interests; similar to iudicia privata, referring to civil trials presided over by the iudex privatus (below).[4]
  • Iter privatum, a private road.[5]
  • Carcer privatus, a private prison. This form of incarceration was used for slaves, and in early time for debtors who failed to pay their creditors (see nexum). The emperors Zeno and Justinian prohibited private prisons.[6]

Iudex privatus[edit]


The iudex privatus was a sole arbitrator or lay judge who conducted a civil case to which the parties had consented and who usually nominated him. In the event that the parties could not agree on a judge, he was chosen from an official list of potential judges drawn up by the praetor. He was also called a iudex unus.[7]

Privatus Cape Cod

See also[edit]

Privatus Care Solutions Reviews



  1. ^Adolf Berger, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law (American Philological Association, 1953), p. 651.
  2. ^T. Corey Brennan, The Praetorship in the Roman Republic (Oxford University Press, 2000), pp. 154 online, 610, et passim.
  3. ^Berger, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law, p. 670.
  4. ^Berger, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law, p. 347.
  5. ^Berger, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law, p. 517.
  6. ^Berger, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law, p. 381.
  7. ^George Mousourakis, The Historical and Institutional Context of Roman Law (Ashgate, 2003), p. 128 online.

Privatus Ny

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